Comment porter les chaussettes avec style?

How to wear your socks with style?

Socks are an interesting accessory; we pay so little attention to them and yet they are at the center of our look. Whether it's bright colors, original patterns or classic stripes, the standard for men's socks has changed significantly in recent years.

Today, we're going to take an in-depth look at this often overlooked accessory. You will learn how to wear socks with style and make them an original piece, central to your look and which matches almost everything. Here we go.



You've probably heard that cotton is king. When it comes to socks, that's definitely true. Cotton is the most popular fabric for dress socks.

Cotton is lightweight, cooler and more durable than other fibers. It also retains its shape over time. With its relatively low price, most of your socks are made of cotton blends. Expect this fabric to be a regular in your sock drawer.



Wool has been used in the manufacture of socks since time immemorial. Wool socks will keep feet warm in cold weather and cool when the temperatures soar. They also don't absorb as much moisture as other materials.

Pure wool socks can be rough and chunky, which is why many are now blended with synthetic fibers like rayon. This blend of yarns makes them softer, while improving strength and durability.The main disadvantage of wool socks is that they cost more than cotton or synthetics.

The main disadvantage of wool socks is that they cost more than cotton or synthetics.



Considered a luxury material, the composition and benefits of cashmere are similar to those of wool. They will keep your feet comfy and are super soft on the feet.

However, since they are more susceptible to warping or tearing, proper care of cashmere socks is essential. It is often recommended that you wash them by hand and do not put them in the dryer.



If in doubt, go dark

Whether you're attending a casual get-together or having lunch with the Queen of England, you'll never go wrong with black, brown or navy socks. This traditional look will keep you under the radar. As much as we love colorful socks, sometimes it's better not to be noticed.

Bas noirs

Try adding texture

Just because you're wearing conventional plain socks doesn't mean you can't add a touch of creativity. For something a little more fashionable, add some texture. Ribbed socks come in nearly every neutral color imaginable, and the stitching adds a touch of yet subtle style.

Bas texture

Wear invisible socks with discretion

Choose the right moment to wear your invisible socks. They are not unanimous with some more traditional business communities, especially when worn with a suit. Invisible socks are best worn with chinos for a more informal and casual look.

Bas invisibles

Try solid colors

Use plain or color-blocked socks to add a touch of craftsmanship to your look. Socks in bold tones are the easiest way to show that you care about your style.

Bas jaunes

Stripes, dots and diamonds

La prochaine valeur sûre après les couleurs unies sont les rayures, les pois ou les losanges. Ces trois styles sont sont intemporels et faciles à assortir.

Bas rouges motifs
Bas losange bleu

 Match your colors

Regarding the question of color, we suggest that you match the color of your sock with another color that you wear above the waist. This color continuity brings your outfit together. If, however, you are already good at matching the colors of your clothes, do as you see fit. In the end, if it looks good, it looks good.

Bas carrés bleus

Avoid pattern matching

Avoid matching your sock pattern with a pattern that already exists in your look. If you wear a polka dot shirt, avoid polka dot socks. If you wear an argyle sweater, avoid argyle socks. A repetition of the patterns might seem a bit too deliberate – and not in a good way.

Bas pas beaux

Dare to step out of your comfort zone

Novelty socks aren't everyone's cup of tea, but when worn well, they elevate your style and give you a more youthful look.

Pick out a pair of socks that represent you. It will intrigue the people around you and they will want to know more about you. On the other hand, fancy socks are like any fashion accessory, they should not be abused.

Bas fantaisie

Roll your pants up

If you really love your fancy socks, don't hide them from the world. Try rolling your pants or having them cut without breaking (or even cropping) to show off your socks.

Bas faitaisie bleu
Bas fantaisie bleu

Let your socks shine!

When wearing a pair of fancy socks, consider toning down other aspects of your look. The more understated the rest of your outfit, the more striking your socks will be in comparison.

Bas fantaisie jaunes

Keep your sock drawer organized

The more you organize your sock drawer, the more likely you are to find the right pair for the right outfit. Instead of folding them inside out, try folding your socks and stacking them horizontally. This will give you a good idea of what socks you have at all times.

Bas bien rangés

However you decide to wear your socks, choose wisely. At this point, there's no good excuse for your sock drawer to be all black and white. Start your shopping here.